
Books and Courses

Worth reading and studying



Quality herbal products and supplies - supporting Australian made where possible. Please note, consult a traditional medical practitioner before taking a supplement, as any supplement or medicinal should be used for a short period of time, suited to your internal condition and as close to its food source as possible.



Places to go wild!

  • Bèrghem Ultrarunners Club - The place to get your ultra running and Norwegian nature fix. Bèrghem specialises in custom designed ultra running events with a twist. Ideally for hard core nature fans and adventure lovers, Bèrghem takes ultra running to the next level, from respectable ultra distances, to multi-day, completely self-supported races.
  • Wild Cave Tours - Deb Hunter is the foremost cave expert in Tasmania and knows the Mole Creek Karst National Park like no other. A journey into the subterranean world here is a journey into the geological, cultural and natural history of the Apple Isle. Get up close and personal with the breathtaking world literally ‘under’ your feet, on one of her many cave adventures.



Recommended practitioners in Northern Tasmania


Yoga Resources

  • 3XOM - Classical holistic yoga in German and English, with meditations, Yoga Nidra and more.
  • Bharti Yoga - Classical holistic yoga integrating Hatha, Flow and Yin.
  • Divine Wellness - Yoga from a master in India, includes full Pawanmuktasana Series and Hatha poses.
  • Satvic Movement - Mostly in Hindi, but also some English videos and classes. Dedicated to Satvic health through Yoga.
  • South Hobart Yoga & Meditation - Studio founded by Ahimsa who brought yoga to veterans and more. Satyananda tradition.
  • The Yoga Institute - Excellent institute offering courses and a lot more on a holistic yoga practice and yoga lifestyle.
  • Yoga Basics - A complete guide for beginners on everything yoga
  • Yoga For Good Foundation - Supportive organisation that came out of the Australian Satyananda ashram implosion.
  • World Yoga Forum - Complete resource on classical yoga