Exercise as medicine
Movement is life

Movement is essential to long-term health; it’s both a form of preventative and therapeutic medicine. Without any kind of movement, the body’s life force, flow of energy, blood, lymph, etc., slow down, stagnate or stop altogether resulting in pain and a range of health issues.

Becoming aware of our breath and body, as well as the quality of our movement, are vitally important to overall health. Movement for health is quite different to movement for the sake of being active. When engaging in exercise, we need to consider whether what we’re doing either irritates or soothes the body. Movement should always nourish, sustain and energise; as well as circulate vitality and life force; and shouldn’t leave the body feeling exhausted and depleted.

Movement is about balance - a balance of both Yin and Yang (passive-active) energies - not only about constant activity but also relaxation. This is particularly relevant as we get older. The older we are the more need we have for exercise and activity. Likewise, the older we are, the more time we need to balance pure activity with rest and/or soft exercise.

The purpose of exercise is to nurture and build true health through the cultivation and mastery of Qi, Prana, Pneuma or Essence. This universal life force is found everywhere, in nature, humans, animals, and the cosmos. Everything we think, do or nourish our body with, whether through our senses, our intellect, our emotions, etc., should always preserve and care for our Essence, our life force. A strong Prana, Qi or Essence is the foundation for a strong immune system and long term natural health.

The perfect exercise regime includes a focus on breathing and breathwork. It is our breath that livens and moves the body, and not the other way around. The breath warms us, cools us down, facilitates mindfulness and presence and more.

Bushwalking, trail running, swimming, cold water therapy, sun bathing, dancing, singing, skipping, gardening, working with animals, walking barefoot in a park, standing still and meditating - can all be a part of a healthy sustainable exercise regime as long as the exercise is a balance of Yin and Yang energies.

Movement, activity and exercise should always be proportional to the individual’s actual fitness level and should progress consistently from there with the right level of intensity.

I prescribe exercises for my clients, regardless of whether they receive a Thai massage, cupping therapy or follow a nutritional therapy plan. Exercise acts as a restorative, curative and rehabilitative mechanism and process.

My priority is movement or exercise that requires minimal equipment, takes place outdoors in natural sunlight and air, provides a whole body workout, builds natural muscle, strength and physique, looks simple but is highly effective, and can be as varied or homogenous as one requires.

The following form an essential part of my healing exercise plans:

  • Pranavidya (the wisdom of breath and energy) and pranayama (the practice of breath and energy)
  • Yoga asanas for building health, strengthening the body, instilling discipline and balancing the mind and emotions
  • Deep relaxation with yoga nidra (meditation with awareness)
  • Medical energy exercises that restore and circulate Qi such as Ba Duan Jin and Zhan Zhuang e.g. ‘standing like a tree’ and ‘holding the ball’ and Reusi Dat Ton
  • Bushwalking and trail running in nature, swimming in the wild and other outdoor adventures
  • Strength training use bodyweight and natural free movement
  • Meihua Quan and Wing Chung Kung Fu as the original path to strength, vigor, kinetic power, self-discipline, calm and active meditation



  • Please enquire about my Qigong and Classical Yoga 60-min one-on-one sessions.
  • Qigong and Classical Yoga group classes available upon request.



  • Exercise is an integral part of every personalised client treatment plan.
  • My focus is women above the age of 40.
  • I teach classical yoga at Meander Valley Yoga in Western Creek and Body and Soul Gym in Deloraine.



  • Cert III in Fitness Instruction in Australia
  • Sports Medicine at the Isolde Richter Heilpraktikerschule in Germany
  • Life long experience bushwalking and navigation
  • Ten years trail running experience
  • Two years ultra running experience
  • Four years classical Yoga experience
  • One year medical Qigong and Kung Fu experience


Any questions, please feel welcome to contact me on +61 (0)448 381 306 or by email.

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