Nutritional therapy
Wholefood for clean fuelling

Food is one of the best medicines we have available. For any kind of therapy and treatment to be truly effective, an assessment of one’s diet, habits (drink, food, drugs) and environmental variables (e.g. e-smog) are essential.

Many medical practitioners and philosophers in the past, such as Dr. Max Bircher Benner and Pythagoras, demonstrated the connection between optimal health and the food/drink we consume. They understood how food plays an essential role in health, as both the cause of disease and the medicine used to heal it.

Food is fuel and the type of fuel we choose influences how well our body, mind and soul function. Food is not only digested and absorbed by the body, but it is central in eliminating the build up of waste out of the body and maintaining overall homeostasis.

Supporting the body’s self-healing process requires patience, time, discipline and knowledge. There is definitely a right and a wrong way of modifying one’s habits, or transitioning to the kind of diet that we would like to have, no matter how healthy that diet may appear.

Introducing clean food into our diet or starting an extreme regime when our inner physical environment is out of balance, can trigger a major cleansing response - often with unpleasant results. While this kind of reaction is normal, people who experience it can often give up thinking the diet or therapy was unsuccessful. But this may not be the case.

A soft and gradual nutritional therapy approach is often far more effective and kinder to the body. It can take months or even years for the internal condition (e.g. waste in our tissues, organs, bones, cells, etc.) that contributes to our state of health, to be altered and changed. Each set of circumstances, approach, response and outcome is highly individual.

The first steps in nutritional therapy are to carefully consider:

  • Our digestive power and fire
  • Our constitution (inherited and acquired)
  • How long our state of health and wellbeing have existed?
  • Where the congestion/pain/deficiency/excess is focused?
  • What have we done to change this state?
  • Which foods, drinks, herbs, medication, drugs, etc., we consume (or don’t consume) that lie at the root?
  • Where and how our food is grown (a lot of countries have soil mineral deficiencies)
  • Our eating habits and times (quiet period)
  • How weak and serious our condition is?

A realistic and natural food plan can be determined based on the above evaluation, so that the transition to a wholefood diet (e.g. 100% plant based or variation), can be a successful and positive one.

The type of nutritional therapy that I offer combines and employs knowledge of raw vegan, slow food, unadulterated wholefood, wild food, Western herbal medicine, Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine dietary principles.

Please read more about nutritional therapy in my three articles:


I offer advice and assistance with:

  • Using food and herbs as medicine to heal the body and restore optimal health
  • Natural wholefood concepts and dietary alternatives
  • Good digestive health with good food combinations, understanding of food pH, eating choices and habits
  • Understanding deficiencies, cravings and hormones (changes through the lifespan)
  • Foraging for wild edibles
  • Growing medicinal plants
  • Juicing and fasting principles
  • Use of raw honey and apple cider vinegar, etc., as medicine



  • 60 mins $80
  • Discounts apply for multiple sessions over a long term period. Obligation-free quotes can be sent out after a preliminary meeting to discuss your specific needs and situation
  • Online and email consultations are possible


Info for clients

  • Transition to a wholefood diet is based on a 28-day program.
  • Raw food transition can take up to 100 days and greatly depends on where you live, your state of health, your digestive fire and how easily you can access fresh locally grown, organic produce.
  • I’m familiar with research methods and combine a lot of schools of thought. I don’t focus on nutrition at a strictly molecular level or take a reductionist view of medicine. I look at the big picture and at your specific case. One of the most under appreciated and overlooked methods is listening to your own body and its reactions. There is no ‘one size fits all’ solution to nutrition. Each body and set of circumstances are unique.


Any questions, please feel welcome to contact me on +61 (0)448 381 306 or by email.

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