Treatment plan
For a comprehensive way forward

I offer treatment plans that combine all of my therapies. These therapies include:

  • Traditional Thai massage
  • Cupping massage and therapy
  • Nutritional therapy
  • Exercise as medicine
  • Nature as medicine

If you would like to receive comprehensive support in your health journey, I am available as your traditional medicine practitioner of choice. I’m happy to be a part of your holistic health team - together with your GP and other practitioners or specialists.


First step

If you’re a first time client, then the first step is to meet, sit down together, go through a thorough anamnesis, which is a confidential exchange of information concerning your health history, current health and fitness, work-life balance, past trauma, emotional and mental stresses and more.

Palpation, pulse reading, and an easy going physical test (fitness related) may be conducted. With your consent and approval a treatment plan specific to your needs, responses, goals and circumstances will be put together. Each treatment plan will cover a 28 day or 4 week period. The plan will be updated as your treatment progresses and condition changes.

To tackle any kind of major health issue: time, patience, self-care, commitment and consistency are essential deciding factors.



  • $140 for the first consultation and plan design
  • $500 for a 4-week treatment plan with one combined session per week (4 x 90 min sessions)
  • $1000 for a 4-week treatment plan with two combined sessions per week (8 x 90 min sessions)
  • Discounts apply for long term or repeat bookings



If there is something I am unable or unqualified to assist or provide you with, I will refer you on to a respected professional whether an acupuncturist, a naturopath, a pathology service, herbalist, general practitioner, etc. Please see my Links page for practitioners I recommend.

I am mentored by senior traditional medicine practitioners and receive experienced advice and feedback from them.


I explain every step of a treatment plan or individual therapy, and always seek your informed consent before starting.

Your privacy is of utmost importance to me. What you disclose and share with me, stays with me. Each meeting and session is bound by confidentiality and you have access to the written therapeutic records that I keep about you.

Should you wish to hire me as an additional complement to your current medical plan, and/or treatment that has been prescribed to you, relevant information will be shared with your GP or doctor in the strictest confidence and full cooperation will be given.


Any questions, please feel welcome to contact me on +61 (0)448 381 306 or by email.

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