What you can expect from me
My duty of care

Back in ancient Greece, Hippocrates established a set of principles that formed the foundation of a universal medical oath. Today, some of this oath has been modified to reflect our modern times and changing world.

Basically, the oath says “practice what you preach”, “know your limitations”, “live a wholesome life”, “respect the individual and their privacy”, and “keep the healing arts alive”.

In ancient times, many believed in medicine as a form of education. Doctors served the people by training them in the essentials of health – and not by treating them.

Mythology is full of symbolism and information concerning medicine and the passing on of medical knowledge and practices. The Norse goddess, Eir, may have been a healing goddess or Valkyrie with medical skill. She was seen as the equivalent to ancient Greece’s Hygieia, the goddess of health, cleanliness and purity. In Gaul, the goddess Sirona was also a woman of healing, with the snake and cleansing waters as her symbols. The snake has always been seen as a symbol of health and wisdom in nature-based cultures around the world.

The origin of the word therapeut, terapeut or therapist can be traced back to the therapeutae of Asklepios. A therapeut was basically an assistant to the gods and helped to heal the spirit of men and women.


My duty to you

Here’s my oath to you and what you can expect from me as your practitioner:

  • Take the time to listen to you.
  • Develop a comfortable, respectful and trusting client-practitioner relationship.
  • Perform a comprehensive anamnesis and examination before making a judgement about your health.
  • Work together with you to name and define your primary health goals.
  • Address the root cause of your complaint and treat your whole person – body, mind and spirit.
  • Help you implement and continue the most important steps in your long term health.
  • Accompany you on the path to change.
  • Respect your decisions and always seek consent.
  • Provide you with natural medical care, attention and advice to the best of my abilities.
  • Keep in practice and continuously improve my knowledge and skills.
  • Refer you to an experienced and knowledgeable practitioner if I cannot provide you with the service and treatment that you need and want.
  • Decline a service that by law I am not entitled to practice.
  • Honour your right to privacy and keep our consultations confidential.
  • Practice what I preach. My job is my lifestyle.

Questions to ask before choosing me as your practitioner

Are you:

  • Interested in long-term natural health?
  • Willing to take responsibility for the state of your health?
  • Seeking an alternative to over-medication and unnecessary medical procedures?

Do you:

  • Believe that the body – in all its complexity – is essentially simple to look after?
  • Agree that your body can heal itself given the right mindset, conditions and support?
  • Wish to treat the cause of illness rather than the symptoms?

Are you the kind of person who:

  • Focuses on solutions rather than problems?
  • Listens to advice but also initiates decisive action?
  • Builds firsthand experiences rather than relies on secondhand sources?
  • Is not afraid to experiment, question the status quo and think outside the square?
  • Asks how they can change and what they can do to improve?

If you’ve answered yes to the points above, then let’s work together to achieve your health goals. :) Any questions, please feel welcome to contact me on +61 (0)448 381 306 or by email.