Thinking about running 100 miles at age 72? It doesn’t matter what your fitness and exercise goals are, or even how old you are - the key message is: don’t retire from life. Keep doing what you love. Do a little bit every day. Go outdoors and stay close to nature. These are some of the vital building blocks of long term health.
Wally Hesseltine is a 70-year old runner, who hasn’t given up. He knows the limits his age places on him, but he doesn’t see them as obstacles. Simply boundaries within which to play. Good health is about using what you have, respecting your body, thinking smart and imagining the possibilities with your mind.
Exercise is great at any age. You don’t have to run an ultramarathon to keep yourself fit and your body in good condition. A simple walk, or soft but very effective exercises that move your body, such as Tai Chi, Wing Chung, yoga or bodyweight exercises, are far better than sitting on the couch and doing nothing.
One of the main obstacles to health is our mind, and our perception of perfection that blocks progress and forward movement. Forget about perfection. Forget about what others are doing. You don’t have to be superman or superwoman. Just listen to your body. What does it really need? It will tell you everything you need to know, and how to do it right.
For some inspiration, take a look at Wally. :)
Posted by Jasmin on Oct 21, 2016