Who I am
About your mobile therapist

Hi, I’m Jasmin Martin, I live in Chudleigh near the sensational Great Western Tiers / Kooparoona Niara. Originally from New Zealand, I used to live and work in Norway, Switzerland and Germany. In Norway, I was a registered Homøopraktiker (naturopath) with Norges Landsforbund av Homøopraktikere (Norwegian Association of Alternative Therapists).

Jasmin Martin

A holistic approach to health, fitness and healing is very important to me, one that incorporates the essential concepts of traditional/classical medical systems.

As a therapist, I have offered traditional Thai massage and cupping therapy to people with chronic pain, injuries, stress, psychosomatic problems and post-operative issues.

My experience includes thirty years following a pure wholefood vegetarian diet with integrated aspects of the raw food and fruitarian ways of life. Plants, and wholefood in general, play an important medicinal role in body-mind-soul health and healing.

Finding the best path to your long-lasting natural health is my number one priority as a traditional medicine practitioner.



My family has a medical tradition with my great grandmother one of the first women in Russia to be accepted and trained as a medical doctor. She met her husband in Moscow, where they married, and later moved to Switzerland. Her son, my grandfather, was also a GP, with a practice in Geneva.


My passions are long distance bushwalking and trail running as forms of slow travel, time out, and connectedness with the natural world. I’ve also been bitten by the caving bug since returning to Tasmania.


If you’d like to read some of my articles about traditional medicine, natural hygiene and holistic health, then browse through my blog.

Any questions, please feel welcome to contact me on +61 (0)448 381 306 or by email.

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